Global Hunger: The overshadow problem

                                                    Modern Day Global Hunger
Imagine returning home from working all day and you don’t have enough to feed the family you promised to protect. Unfortunately, a phenomenon that sweeps the nation affecting millions of lives. Global Hunger is the food insecurity existing on a worldwide scale. This problem can simply be solved with donations and awareness; however, the middle and upper class choose to ignore or are simply unaware of the problem. This lack of awareness can be very unfortunate for those who have families and who need a simple meal at least three times. Luckily, there are programs that will help children get the food they need and help children with their futures. Many programs that allow children to take the SAT for free if they receive free or reduced lunches, give children free and reduced lunches, scholarships that help lower-income students go to prestigious universities like quest-bridge. These programs have been rather successful, but, with the recent pandemic that hit the world, children cannot attend school to even receive two of their promised meals. Circumstances keep children at home adding to the burden of possibly no food on the table or at the store. This scarcity creates a problem for many families with limited resources, especially during challenging times like the current pandemic.
These programs designed to help kids are looking out for the best. This helps relieve some stress from the families knowing that their children have a source of food they can rely on. This is not so handy at times like this when schools are being closed down, and children have to now eat at home questioning if they are going to have a meal let alone three to keep them by. This current global issue we face today hasn’t been the first time that humans have been selfish about the rest of the human population. It’s nothing but a contest to see who can get the most stuff. There have been many instances where people stock up on food and then waste it. This is also while their neighbors didn’t find anything to feed the rest of the family. This shortage is really one of the many problems that come with this pandemic. There was a photo circulating about WIC products and it begged people to refrain from grabbing them as they are made for people who have special needs. Pandemics aren’t the only time stuff like this go to survival mode.
Ocras"Ocras" by flinner! is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Many natural disasters have also been that way. Katrina and other major hurricanes and tornadoes put millions out of a job and out of a home. Food was another stress to add on to. The crisis would bring millions out of homes and have them seek shelters in place such as the astrodome. These times do seem to be tough on Americans however global hunger span too many other third world countries. While hurricanes and tornadoes do affect the US for a brief time; the same can’t be said about these other countries. Africa’s many countries have been plagued with droughts and locust swarms. This destroys countries' food supply which is why Africa is always the sight for global hunger. Locusts are these insects that travel in swarms and can eat away crops with reproducing by the thousands so it feels as if there is no end to the problem until the move to the next one. Africa is always an example because of these problems and it's upsetting to see these countries go through turmoil. UNICEF and Food For Peace all work towards decreasing the problem however it’s still not over. Global hunger not only occurs when a hurricane strikes or the once-in-a-lifetime pandemic strikes; it impacts everyday people during everyday circumstances. Some are from 3rd world countries and others are families just down the street from you. According to Feeding America, approximately twelve percent of households face food insecurities, That is around 39 million Americans who suffer from the uncertainty of having at their homes. While the global hunger crisis is definitely an issue, many other people believe that trying to think of other ways to spend funds. The treatment of COVID-19 is definitely one to put more attention on and getting jobs to people in need of them. These two issues overshadow the global hunger epidemic as they are more current and severe for the majority.
Global hunger can lead to poverty as more people lose jobs and lose all hope for money and the coronavirus can take the primary money provider and will come with hospital bills to cover. Global hunger coincides with these two problems as it is the aftermath of these problems. Global hunger is very much easier to resolve if people would put attention it needs to solve it This can be a social problem. Many people don’t know where to begin with donations. First is obvious and that is to donate anything you, preferably non-perishable foods. This current pandemic isn’t helping as farmers are throwing their profit as they have no way to preserve their foods for these shelters. Another way is to get your government’s attention. 39 million is more than the country of Canada. This is something that shouldn’t be put aside. Global hunger is a group effort and it shouldn’t be treated as less than that.
